Oleg came to us in the later part of winter last year. We were doing street evangelism in Kupchino and he came up to us like a puppy without a home. Hes been with us ever since.
He is just the opposite of Misha, the pastor in training at Kupchino. Misha is tall and skinny. Oleg is about 5 6 tall and barrel chested. He has a great since of humor and comes to all our office Bible studies on his days off. He is a serious student of Gods Word.
For several years he was heavily involved in Witness Lee Bible studies. He came out of that group some three years ago and started looking for a church home. (Just recently he showed me an article he wrote in a Christian Magazine blistering this group for putting blinders on those participating in their studies. One thing Witness Lee requires is that you read (and distribute) only materials they have written and produced. No other outside influence. That, of course, is a tactic used to control another persons mind.)
He began his search for a church home by enrolling in a Bible correspondence course called Emmaeus. Just recently he finished the course and is now a certified instructor for them. He is very interested in seeing a sound church planted in the Kupchino area.
Bad News First
Misha did have to move out of his apartment and the church was once again left without a place to meet. Nor was he able to find an apartment in the Kupchino area. (Oleg came and asked if we were still intending to plant a church in that area or not.)
Good News
The ones involved in our services were a great help in keeping everything as organized as possible, doing all they could to keep from loosing all the progress we had made.
The Library Administrator made some changes so we can now meet on Sundays and gave us a room that has normal wall heaters. Its heaven compared to the refrigerator room. However, the agreement is only till the end of December.
They are going well. The courses are History of Christianity Missions and The Fundamentals of a Christ Like Character. The classes are held on Tuesday evenings from 5:30 till 8:30.
We would like to start a new work in a different area of the city, or outside of the city. In order for that to happen, God would have to supply more laborers, a place to meet, etc.
1. The Tuesday evening Bibles classes.
2. The church in city center - The goal was to be self-supporting in 4 years. They werent able to meet their budget for the first year and their accountability increases in January.
3. The church in Kupchino - We are still laying the foundation there and have a lot of work to do. Misha is a doing an excellent job.
4. More laborers to enter the harvest. Please pray that they wont be lazy, but will have a desire to work.
Esfir (Esther) & Elona (Helen)