MARCH 2002  

Learn the Language
This is much easier said than done because of the amount of work it requires. To speak a second language efficiently takes total dedication and limits the amount of time you can dedicate to ministry. But, patience and dedication has it rewards!
Why does he speak like that?
After 3 years of language study a Russian asked Why do you speak like that? Another man answered for me saying, he reads the old Bible. I was embarrassed but continued my old Bible language studies. After 5 years I began reading a Modern Russian Language Bible and it was so clear and understandable. Im slow, but some people never learn. Can you imagine how stupid I sounded saying stuff like, Where dost thou go? and, Why shouldest thou complain? instead of Where ya going? and Whats your gripe?
English translators are available everywhere. If you feel like you cant learn another language, use a translator. Dont let anything keep you from doing mission work.

Establishing new churches is a challenge. New converts must learn what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and the responsibilities of representing Him.
Training new pastors how to take care of various situations is also a must. I try not to personally counsel with church members, but advise the pastors in training so they will learn to handle any given situation.
A church is a God ordained institution and must have a higher standard than any club.

Denis, (pronounced Dniece in Russian) first came to church in February 2001. By June 22nd he had trusted Christ as Savior and was baptized.
In January, 2002, he said he had gotten his unsaved girlfriend, Marina, pregnant. When we explained his need to repent and apologize to the church he balked. Marina even quit coming to church with him. She had never been associated with any church, and certainly had never heard of such.
He continued living in sin using his past to make excuses for his present behavior. Finally we told him he didnt have to repent if he didnt want too. Nor did he have to come here to church. Then we gave him a time limit to either repent or leave.
A couple of weeks later he called and asked me to attend Cornerstone in City Center. He needed to apologize to the church, and he felt like he needed to apologize to me personally.
Sunday, March 10th he gave his testimony and apologized to the church for his actions. Immediately after the services he went into the offices and wept. He said he had never before felt such cleansing and love. Love, not only from God, but from His people. The church members willingly forgave him and welcomed him with open arms.

Denis and Marina with their wedding registration

Saturday, March 16th Denis and Marina were officially married. Sunday, the 17th they made vows to each other before God and His people at church. It was a true wedding celebration. Marina has since begun attending church faithfully. Pray for her salvation.

It is necessary to renew our visas on an annual basis. The process can take from one to four months. The less time, the more money. So we try to have everything planned out in advance. It is a costly process, but the only way we have found to do the work God has called us to do in Russia.

I thank God daily for all who make Russian Missions a reality. You prayers and offerings are greatly appreciated. Souls are being saved and lives are being changed.

We dropped the International New York address. If you would like to send us a letter, our address is:
Kevin Plaster
196158, St Petersburg, Russia
Moskovskoye Shosse
Dom 16, Korpus 1, Kv 56

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